off-topic things in The Furry Revolution


The Kittens

The Yellow and White is a girl, not sure about the Orange

What should i name them?

Chip as Larry

Frost as Willy

oh and the spider alien cat thingy on his head is Foxy as Silly btw

Corrupted: Am having anxiety because @Finn_The_Fennec is offline for more than normal So this could probably fix it.

Corrupted: Tell me

Felix: Tell me

MrDripNoob: Tell me

Do it!

This post will only accept annoying comments, first to Make me get beyond extremely angry, wins. (Shoutout and Profile promotion and become an admin of my community) #Mad #MakeMe #Comment #Challenge

Corrupted: Lol, lisa gaming going to die by felix. / Lol, Lisa gaming morira por felix